
Thursday, December 27, 2012

Christmas Abroad

Experiencing the Christmas season away from KC, as well as in another culture, makes me think on some of the things in my life I take for granted.  Of course there are the inconsequential things such as hearing “I Want a Hippopotamus for Christmas” multiple times on the radio, the abundance of Christmas lights as you drive down the street, and the ease of specifically finding everything you might possibly need for holiday baking…and in one place even.  J

Then there are the greater things such as being pointed to Jesus more often during the Advent season, spending lazy mornings and sharing laughter with my family, and waiting to hear from the Lord with some of my best friends – and thousands of others believers – at One Thing on my birthday.   
Being in Spain for Christmas has been awesome though.  Two of my good friends from college, whom God used to give me a heart for Spain, returned to their homes in Barcelona and Zaragoza and invited me to be a part of their families.  I’ve walked a lot, strolled along the beach at dusk, visited Cathedrals, laughed, shared conversation, shopped, relaxed, eaten lots of Spanish food (seafood especially), continued to work towards fluency, and taken pics with friends. 

The Lord has truly blessed me, and the memories that are being made now and the experiences being encountered will not soon be forgotten.      

Saturday, December 8, 2012

Our Omniscient God

It never ceases to amaze me how the Lord is omniscient – He knows everything. 

Of course I’m sure there are times when, in the moment, I would prefer He didn’t know my thoughts.  The first six verses of Psalm 139 bring comfort though:

                “O LORD, you have searched me and known me!
                You know when I sit down and when I rise up;
                                you discern my thoughts from afar.
                You search out my path and my lying down
                                and are acquainted with all my ways.
                Even before a word is on my tongue,
                                behold, O LORD, you know it altogether.
                You hem me in, behind and before,
                                and lay your hand upon me.
                Such knowledge is too wonderful for me;
                                it is high; I cannot attain it.”

God knows us more intimately than any person ever could, both the good and the bad, and He cares for us.  The Bible has so many verses that point us to the Lord in our need, to run to Him despite our screw-ups, to lay our anxieties at His feet, pleas to trust in Him.  He cares for us!!!  He sees all, and in fact, He orders our steps.  How great to know that even when we choose to run from Him, or when we seek comfort and strength in things outside of Him, He continues to pursue us. 

Last week I was pretty exhausted and emotionally dry, feeling like I had nothing to give to the Lord.  For me this was probably a blessing in disguise, because I tend to lean towards performance, what I can do for the Lord.  What He really wants is for us to delight in Him – to rest in Him – so that He can work through us and receive the glory.  I told more than one person that I didn’t know what I needed, but I was at the end of my strength. 

The Lord is so good, and He knows exactly what we need!  This weekend was a Puente, or long weekend, and right now I feel completely refreshed.  The Lord blessed me with much needed time with good friends, being able to cook and bake, finding a coat, live outdoor music, and sleep.  Also the Christmas lights in the city turned on, many kiosks are now full of Christmas goodies, and I found American-type mugs.  This is going to sound pretty ridiculous, but there is something about a good, thick mug with decent hot tea that has brightened my outlook and brought smiles to my face.    

How great the Father’s love for us.  He knows us the best and wants to pour out His blessings.  

Thursday, December 6, 2012


There are times where I sit back, metaphorically speaking, and reflect on the intricacy of the human mind.  The Lord created beings who have so many abilities, and I don’t believe those will ever be recognized fully. 

On Tuesday morning, the kids and I went to a store to buy some craft materials to make Christmas ornaments (I was trying to think like my mom).  While we were working on the ornaments, I decided to put on the Charlie Brown Christmas music.  The thought behind this was: I want this memory to be connected with this soundtrack. 

How incredible.  I know that when I hear certain songs, artists, etc., I am carried back to memories.  These aren’t just cut-and-dry memories though – with them come emotions, desires, regrets, contemplations.  What awe at the thought of the depth that can come through the faint tones of an intro, the riffs of a guitar, the harmonies of a voice. 

I believe this is a blessing, especially in my life right now, and a constant reminder to reflect.  Often songs will take me back to places and times I have not remembered for quite awhile.  The Lord can meet us in those moments – in taking the time out to reflect – and teach us not only about ourselves, but about who He is. 

It seems that memories can take a new importance, when looking from the viewpoint that the Lord even redeems us through our past – good or bad – by showing us the person of Jesus and making us to look more like Him. 

In those moments of joy or sadness, laughter or tears, confidence or regret, love or rejection, fondness or hate – let us look straight into the eyes of Christ.  It is there that change happens, identity is restored, and the most authentic love is realized.   

Sunday, December 2, 2012

Thread that Runs through History

My history teacher in junior high used to have a quote on his door that said something about “a thread that runs through history,” and although I can’t remember exactly what it was, I thought about it tonight.  I believe it was in relation to God being the constant that is a part of all stages of history.

I met several friends tonight from the states who have come here for a few months, and it hit me that the Lord has orchestrated so many things to bring us all here. 

In my life alone He has given desires, changed them, broken barriers, helped me give up some control, blessed me with Spanish friends, and just loved me.  He loves me enough to work out all things in my life for His good (Romans 8:28).  He is committed to making me more into the image of His son, Jesus Christ. 

I’m seeing this a little more literally now than solely in a figurative manner.  Even when it’s tough, I know I’m inside of His plan for my life at this moment.  He is the constant.  Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today, and forever (Hebrews 13:8).  He is the one who makes all of this worth it.     

Thursday, November 29, 2012

A Picture's Worth A Thousand Words

The task of a “What is Love?” follow-up seems a little too daunting right now, so I have decided to postpone that adventure and stick with something of which I feel more capable at the moment.  I’m not going to give much explanation of my “work and life here” as of late, but instead am going to let the pictures do most of the talking.  A picture’s worth a thousand words, right?  Better get readin’.  J

Sunday, November 25, 2012

What is Love?

This is something I wrote at the end of my freshman year of college.  If I were to write this today, I might say a few things differently, but it came to mind this weekend.  I may follow it up in a day or two with some more current thoughts!

What is love?  In a world where this word is so commonly used, this seems like somewhat of a silly question.  Honestly though, what is love?  Is there really “love at first sight”?  Not likely.  Something love is not is little butterflies in the stomach.  Sure, it is a by-product at times, but from observation, this is not what lasts – what defines love. 

                Lust is so often mistaken for love.  The American culture has somehow implemented this idea that we can be in love with anything – kind of odd if you really think about it.  Can we really be in love with our car, music, outfit, sport, etc? Not thinking so…  We not only lust after people, but we lust after material objects too.  We make people and objects our idols so quickly and frequently without even realizing it. We are trading in something spectacular for something cheap.  I’m right there too.  How often the words “I love…” come out of my mouth without any real thought or emotion.  Maybe we can love things, like our country.  I don’t know…I’m just wondering.  

                What about acceptance?  Is that love?  I mean, the feeling of being accepted can bring so much happiness and possibly even joy!  But love in some instances isn’t acceptance as much as it is honesty.  Sure, acceptance is a part, but parents are called to discipline their children too.  If there is never discipline or teaching, where will this world end up?  Balance…such an open-ended, hard to figure out, word. 

                Can non-Christians love?  It certainly seems they can, sometimes it even seems they do it better than Christians do.  We are created in the image of God; His mark is on us.  Loyalty, sacrifice, emotion, acceptance, discipline – what is love?  What makes Christians different than non-Christians?  Christ said that Christians would be known by their love for one another, so what does that look like? 

                Where have I seen authentic, genuine love?  I’ve seen it on Christmas day when a family takes a hot meal to an elderly woman with no family around her and spends a couple hours just visiting.  I’ve seen it when a couple takes someone into their household for a season, not just as a visitor, but as a family member.  I’ve felt it when someone is willing to sit and ask a few questions and listen to my heart for hours.  I’ve experienced it when people like me, even when they know my sins and weaknesses. 

                I guess love, in a lot of ways, boils down to motives.  Sure, non-Christians and Christians alike serve and give and listen, but why?  As I know is true in my life too, no one has pure motives all of the time.  That’s impossible unless you are Jesus, and we definitely are not.  The first item listed in the fruit of the Spirit is love.  There is a whole chapter devoted to describing it in 1 Corinthians.  Christ says the two greatest commandments are to love God with your heart, soul, mind, and strength, and to love your neighbor as yourself.  Seems to be a pretty big deal.  Also feels like we need the Holy Spirit’s help with this one. 

                It’s so easy for me to look at the question “Do you feel like you love God?” and jump straight into legalism.  Well, I fail at reading my Bible and praying consistently, so I guess not.  Thank goodness God loves me through my sin and thick-headedness.  How do I relate loving God to loving my family and closest friends?  Interesting to think about.  My love for God needs to be so much stronger, but I shouldn’t place love for Him on this level that I can never see or reach, right?  I will never be perfect on this earth, but seeing love for God as something I can work toward in His strength is a good starting place. 

                Really, I suppose I don’t have many answers.  We need to experience a revelation of the love of God – it appears that this changes most everything.  Paul prays this for the Ephesians, and just within the past couple weeks I realized that Ephesians 3 does not stop with his prayer that they experience the love of Christ.  He prays that they will know His love so that they “may be filled with all the fullness of God.”  It’s not solely a knowledge thing. 

                Love is putting others above ourselves – above our desires, needs, and wants.  It is looking for their good above ours.  Love is placing our hearts in front of others, bare and unguarded, allowing them to know who we are and letting them in.  We aren’t called to the same level of vulnerability with everyone, but we are not called to a life of fear and self-protection.  Man, such a hard lesson, and personally I have a long way to go.  That is such a scary thing.  Thankfully we have a God who will never leave us or forsake us, use us, or play with our hearts.  Knowing that He is right by our side is our motivation and encouragement to share ourselves with others and trust. 

                “Jesus, please show us how to be satisfied in You and You alone.  Teach us what it means to love and to be loved.  Help us to receive Your love, and let that love overflow from our hearts into the lives and hearts of those around us.  Give us a revelation of Your love, and let us never be the same again.  Amen.”                           

Friday, November 23, 2012

In Light of Thanksgiving

I decided that writing some of the things I am thankful for would give me a greater picture for all of the things in my life with which God has blessed me – both big and small.  Yesterday was my first holiday (Thanksgiving) away from my family, and it was really hard.  Even though I didn’t like being away from them, I still have much for which to give thanks.  So “hold on to your hats.”  J

God loves me; He has saved me, is saving me, and will save me.  He never leaves me or forsakes me.  He gave me Jesus and loves me enough to pursue me.  He is continually at work in me, and I pray my heart is continually open to having Him work through me.  The God of the universe knows my name, and He has called me to have and to share a personal relationship with Him.    

I have amazing family and friends – traditions, holidays, memories, support, love, joy, laughter, and smiles.  I am really thankful to have new friends here too.  They helped make a holiday away from home a little more bearable!

I live in Spain.  As I was walking down my cobblestone street tonight, looking at the rising apartments down the narrow space, yet again I thought, “Wow.  It’s so cool that I live here.”  God has blessed me with desire, strength, provision, reason, and everything I need to spend this year overseas.  He orchestrated so many things in my life and heart – and that of others – to bring me here.  I’m reminded that even when this is tough, the Lord has no doubt brought me here and is with me.     

I’m thankful for my job – getting to love on the kids and other people here.  The Lord has always provided for me physically.  I’m thankful for technology so I can talk with (and see) my family and friends without breaking the bank!! 

Also, I’m thankful for Thanksgiving food, people with whom to prepare it, Christmas music (Dave Barnes’ specifically), beautiful weather, sweet tea, dark chocolate, old movies, things to keep me warm, leftovers, and fellowship.

God is so good all of the time.  How truly blessed I am.  

Saturday, November 17, 2012

A Week at a Glance

This week was filled with some neat cultural experiences:

Tuesday night – I got to attend the English class, Thanksgiving dinner at my church.  I got to meet some really cool ladies from different countries and cultures, who come together to learn English.  One of my friends gave a great lesson on the history of Thanksgiving so that everyone could follow (whatever level), combined with a Pilgrim and Native American skit starring…da, da, da…us!!!  Quite memorable.  J

Thursday – I had a surprise day-off, which turned into an experience of making zucchini bread.  I tried my hand using sunflower oil and made a big mess, and I was really happy with the way it turned out!  That evening I sat in on a local, Spanish, Christian, university group meeting, which my apartment hosted.  Big groups are inevitably harder for me to understand, but I enjoyed the atmosphere of the group a lot.  I finished the night with my now-weekly tv series with my Spanish roommate.  It’s a Spanish drama series called El Barco, and believe it or not, I think it’s helping me with my Spanish comprehension!

Friday – In the evening I watched four Spanish kids for a few hours, coming after prayer for the Lord to help me.  He did!  It was a fun time of being taught Spanish by little children, having dinner around a heated table, playing hide-and-seek and an imaginary game (where I had no clue what was going on J), coloring, checking out their Christmas lists (here they go to the wise men, or Reyes Magos), and just being crazy.  After leaving their house, I joined my friends for the end of a fiesta, Downton Abbey style, for one of our friends who is getting married in December.  A lovely night indeed.   

Monday, November 12, 2012

We've Now Encountered the Rainy Season

Rain, rain, and more rain.  When people talked about the rainy season, especially amidst the background of an extremely hot and dry summer, I was a bit skeptic.  Without doubt though, I am now a full believer of the reality – there is a true rainy season in Granada. 

The random and consistent downpours have brought with them a chill to the air.  I am going to need a sign on my door that reads “TAKE YOUR UMBRELLA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!” from now on; it’s definitely taking some adjusting!

Because of the rain and the cold, the kids and I have enjoyed lots of indoor time – full of coloring (the Highlights book from my mom is coming in handy!), Legos, stories, VeggieTales, pretend meetings, “Simon Says,” questions, and laughter. 

Today at lunch we enjoyed some good laughs over a new phenomenon – eating Bob (the Tomato) and Larry (the Cucumber).  This comes full of sound effects from me, smiles from all, and complete contentment with chomping down on their favorite vegetable characters.  There is no goin’ back.     

Thursday, November 8, 2012

The Soup Challenge

After being to myself for a four-day weekend, I found that a part of me was definitely looking to have my roommates return!  Between this weekend and now, I made chicken parmesan (with delicious international spaghetti sauce, tried some Spanish food made by my roommate, and conquered a homemade soup for the first time!!! 

When I say conquered, I mean that it truly was a battle.  I tackled the smallest whole chicken Mercadona had to offer, literally, accompanied by a few leftover feather-looking objects attached.  Raw chicken is most definitely not my forte.  I also went to four fruterias in search of kale (for my mom's soup) but had to opt out for cabbage when I couldn’t find it.  My humongous pot was filled to the top with chicken, cabbage, leeks, carrots, and potatoes. 

The soup ended up being really good, and I was able to share it – amidst stories and laughter – with Becca and my roommates. 

This week I also pulled out the camera on one of the only non-rainy days to get some pictures of the kids and God’s creation on my walk home I had been noticing lately.  Although the leaves probably have some menacing, leaf-eating creature, I quite like them. 

Tonight the plan is to hit the sack early…and figure out “my Spanish schedule” soon!! 

Sunday, November 4, 2012

Steps of Faith

Yesterday I believe the Lord let me be a light into a woman’s life in my neighborhood, but it raised legitimate questions in my mind as well.  What started out as a smile led to a deep conversation. 

Last night and this morning, I was thinking about the conversation, the woman, people’s situations, etc.  I often find it hard to relate to other people’s situations and experiences, but I know that we are called to love on people either way.  In the long run, it’s Jesus who truly relates – not us. 

I was reminded of a conversation I had with my friend Lezlee before leaving for Spain.  She gave me a different perspective on sharing the light I have inside with those who have many needs, when I have been so blessed.  She drew my attention to look at the people for whom Jesus came to earth and with whom He spent much of His time. 

When thinking about this in regards to my conversation last night, I began to think about Jesus and Joseph (in the Old Testament).  Jesus and Joseph both went through a ton of terrible stuff, physical suffering and otherwise, that was not “their burden to bear.”  Joseph suffered much but was blessed much for his continued faith in God.  Jesus took our sin and the entire wrath of God to the cross because of absolutely nothing He had done wrong. 

These are just two examples of men who loved the Lord and trusted His timing and protection, even when I’m sure their circumstances seemed unbearable.  They didn’t cry out of injustice.  They bore the brunt of unfair consequences (in connection with their blameless actions).  That would take a lot of faith and believing that God is ultimately bigger than our earthly suffering. 

Right now the Holy Spirit is calling me to determine whether I believe God is big enough to save me, whether I trust Him to speak on my behalf instead of me, and whether being in any circumstance with Him is better than a choice circumstance without Him.  My prayer is “Lord, I believe; help my unbelief.” 

Jesus is to be the object of our faith – despite our circumstances.    

Thursday, November 1, 2012

In Step with Our Father

Last night I sat in on the women’s Bible study at church, and we were looking at Ephesians 3:14-21 (a passage on the depth of God’s love).  While meditating on this, God gave me a neat picture.  It was of a little child grabbing hold of her father’s legs – her feet on top of his – as he walked. 

This is a cool image for me of dependence on the Lord and His love.  Humanly it’s not very easy, or at least not convenient, to walk with a child attached to you.  This took me back to a conversation I had recently about being where the Lord is at work. 

The Lord doesn’t need us to accomplish His work in the lives of people on this earth, but He chooses to use us.  It would probably be easier to do His thing without us, but He chose us and wants us to be instruments in His work.  The God of the universe wants to use us, knowing all of our faults, weaknesses, and fears. 

“But we have this treasure in jars of clay, to show that the surpassing power belongs to God and not to us” (2 Corinthians 4:7).  We are jars of clay with the amazing treasure of Jesus inside of us.  It is He that changes hearts and draws people to Himself, because of His amazing love.  He wants to do great things in and through us…because of His love for us. 

I want to be where the Lord is at work.  I desire to not only step in His footprints, but to take each step with Him.  This is to what we are called.  

Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Cooking from Scratch

 Hannah and Becca have inspired me to try and make things from scratch that are not readily available here in Spain.  Their inspiration is “Pioneer Woman,” and their interest and ingenuity has been helpful for me.  J

This weekend I made pancakes from scratch, filled with chocolate chips, for me and my roommate.  Delicious!  It made me think back to the many Saturdays my dad would cook pancakes for our family.  I’ll be happy when I return home to be with my family and have his again. 

Also, the three of us girls living in this apartment have decided to take a night a week or so and cook a meal for the other two.  Tonight was my turn, and I made lemon-parmesan breaded chicken, pole beans, fresh tomato salad, and biscuits from scratch.  Reminded me a little bit of Southern home-cooking!  I think I can officially say now: I enjoy cooking.  What is Spain doing to me?!  J

Since my birthday is in December, this is the first election in which I could vote.  After having the ballot sent all the way to Spain, I sent it back to the United States.  While at Correos (our post office), I learned a valuable cultural lesson.  When entering the building, one is supposed to take a number.  I suppose this is very similar to the DMV in the US.  After getting frustrated with people “cutting in line,” and then proceeding to actually cut as I now know, I’ve become more knowledgeable.  To avoid frustration, follow the system (once you figure it out).  Ha.   

Monday, October 29, 2012

Fear of the Lord

I’m working my way through Proverbs, and today I came to a verse that seemed to shoot straight for the heart.  Proverbs 8:13b says, “The fear of the LORD is hatred of evil.”  At other times I would probably read this, agree with it, and keep trekking.  Today my thoughts were drawn to this sentence though. 

What is evil?  That term seems a little “extreme” for today’s world – maybe something we might equate with murder, abuse, etc., and of course, those definitely fall under the definition.  I was thinking though, “What does ‘evil’ mean for me?  In my heart?” 

Luke 14:25-26 came to mind, where Jesus says you must hate your family and your own life to be His disciple.  Literal hate is not what He is looking for of course.  There is way too much evidence in the Bible that we are to love others.  It’s more of a parallel (especially in the day’s culture).  In essence, do I love Jesus so much that my love for other people and myself appears to be hate?  As Cora says, “I think not.”

So my question for myself to bring before the Lord is this: “What ought hatred of evil, and therefore fear of the Lord, look like in my life?”  Or in words resembling Luke’s message, “How am I called to love God more – so that my love of other pleasures diminishes?” 

Love is such a simple, but yet at the same time, tricky thing.  It calls us to put others above ourselves.  It calls us to deny ourselves.  It also calls us to bring into question our hearts.  The reason we can love is because Christ first loved us.  When we try to love of our own doing, it fails. 

I read something that hit home the other day regarding this and the Christian life in general.  I used to think (and will still fight to not think), “God, give me love, faith, etc. so that I can do _____.”  Maybe this ought to be something more like this, “God, I give myself to you – put my faith in you alone – so that you can _____.” 

Ultimately it is He that works and loves through us.  He is much better at accomplishing His will.  His love is perfect, unconditional, satisfying. 

Help us, Lord, to not give You or others what is only second-best.  Help us to hate those things that are not of you in our lives.  Bring us to fear You, while at the same time, opening us to the depths of You love.         

Saturday, October 27, 2012


There comes a point where I have smiled so much that I get a headache.  Weird, huh?  Tonight was no exception.  At our church we had a Café Concierto, which turned out to be quite a success I think.  The lights were low, the colored lights hanging, the room filled, music playing. 

I had the chance to sing a few songs, and I think that may have been the first time I’ve performed in that type of a setting – especially while having an instrument to hide behind for a little extra confidence.  J

The evening ended with a Granadino musician who performs for a living.  The music was upbeat and very Spanish; I was amazed with the dancing skills I saw among the crowd – especially from the people I’ve known previously!  The kids were adorable and so happy.  What a neat thing to see an entire family filled with smiles from ear to ear.  It was a neat night of community. 

This week has included many things that have brought me smiles and laughter.  Random rain showers – literally pouring with the snap of a finger.  An evening of Chinese food (delivered, although we are in Spain J) and Downton Abbey with friends.  A little bit of Dave Barnes’ Christmas music.  People mistaking me for European (before opening my mouth…ha).  Daylight Savings.  Doing “The Train” with friends in the church. 

Laughter truly is a blessing.  I love that the Lord has given us this day brightener.  

Thursday, October 25, 2012

Rain, Music, Warmth!!!

It has rained so much this past week that I almost can’t believe it!  An otherwise completely dried-out river during the summer was rushing with flowing water this afternoon.  I still really enjoy the rain, even if it doesn’t come with the whole thunderstorm effect.  I have great memories of listening to, watching, and having conversations during storms with one of my best friends in high school.  Speaking of Rachel, she is engaged!!  So exciting.  J

Walking around in the rain, or shall I say walking to the bus stop (ha, ha), is reminiscent of my trip to New York during my junior year of high school.  More or less, it’s a bit cold…and a lot wet.  Today I purchased hair gel for the first time since arriving in Spain; I felt it was a necessity. 

This weekend we are having a café concierto, and I’m looking forward to singing a couple of my favorite “chill” songs and a Christian one perhaps.  I’m excited to see some of the talent in my city and neighborhood here! 

Oh, and my next purchase is going to be a hot water bottle I believe, which I have to admit I didn’t realize were purchasable anymore.  They were in movies of course.  J  I’ve heard this is a great way to cut the cold here though, and I am going to enjoy being warm more often.  Right now the only place that consistently happens is in my bed – under 3 blankets, albeit my Moroccan one is pretty thin.  My blanket from the US I received last week has most definitely hit the spot!  Thanks, Carpenters!!!

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Time in the Word

This week has been quite a blessing, as Kassie’s sister has been in town, and I have gotten a few days off from work.  For the first time in quite awhile, I was able to have some good time with the Lord in the Word and quieting my heart.  It is easier for me here in Spain to pray throughout the day than it was back home, but it’s really difficult to carve out time.  It’s so good though. 

As I was reading the first part of Daniel, I came across his prayer to God after He gave him not only the king’s dream, but also its interpretation.  Woah!  Here’s the prayer:

                “Blessed be the name of God forever and ever,
                                to whom belong wisdom and might.
                He changes times and seasons;
                                he removes kings and sets up kings;
                he gives wisdom to the wise
                                and knowledge to those who have understanding;
                he reveals deep and hidden things;
                                he knows what is in the darkness,
                                and the light dwells with him.
                To you, O God of my fathers,
                                I give thanks and praise,
                for you have given me wisdom and might,
                                and have now made known to me what we asked of you,
                                for you have made known to us the king's matter.”            (Daniel 2:20-23)

Not only is God over all – I mean, we are talking about entire kingdoms here – but He reveals deep and hidden things.  He knows what’s in the darkness – which I seem to equate to us without Christ – and He enters our actual beings with His light!!!  How amazing.  The Lord desires to give us wisdom, knowledge, understanding, and discernment.  I think the tricky part is asking with pure motives. 

I tend to want “to know” what the Lord has in store, what His will is, and at times it is so that “I don’t make the wrong choice.”  Although this probably isn’t the worst thing in the world, it can be debilitating.  Instead of being so concerned about messing up, the Lord is calling us into a deeper relationship with Him.  He wants all of us, and He delights in sharing His mysteries with us. 

May our heart’s cry be to abide in Him, love Him well, and know His heart.  

Thursday, October 18, 2012

Naps, Packages, and Shawarma

I kinda feel like life is running full speed ahead, not leaving much room to breathe.  I have hope that the breathing is in the near future though!  Amidst the craziness, I have managed to take two naps this week though.  Yesterday I woke up to children’s music through my wall; it’s amazing that I didn’t know we had neighbors with kids apart from that incident! 

Firstly, I have the most awesome family and friends ever.  My grandma made me a homemade scrapbook of my first month in Granada, which has a special place on my dresser.  Yesterday I received a package from my family and our good friends with many blessings (including fuzzy socks, long underwear, a blanket, and hot Russian tea).  After one morning of waking up at 5:30 am because I was so cold (and yet it’s only October!!), I’m extremely thankful.  I did attempt to find a bus stop while carrying the package and my sore arms today tell me I should have called the taxi to begin with.  J

Yesterday I attended my first meeting of Tertulia, a group of mostly college students (including my two roommates) who gather to practice English.  When I stepped onto the street where the meeting was located, I immediately felt like I was back in Morocco.  I had no idea there was a “taste of Morocco” in Granada!  I even got to enjoy some typical Moroccan hot mint tea with my conversations.  To finish the evening, the cheap but delicious shawarma was perfect. 

Today I believe I walked for four hours total, or something crazy like that.  It reminded me of walking miles around Toronto one morning during my senior mission trip, but thankfully I was not in flip-flops this time.  Despite the intense amount of walking (on occasion), I still love that I can walk basically anywhere.  I’m definitely going to miss that aspect of the city.   

Monday, October 15, 2012

Weekend in the Sierra Nevadas

This past weekend we trekked into the mountains for a long weekend retreat, and by trekked, I am referring to some of the most windy (curvy) roads I have been on since my family traveled to Colorado many years ago.  Needless to say I was very glad to hit flat land!  Ha.  The weekend away wasn’t super restful, but I enjoyed getting to know some other believers better. 

Leading worship was a neat experience, and the Lord was gracious to humble me but continue to use me as well.  Through preparing for the worship this weekend, I was able to learn a couple of awesome songs which I had never heard before now.  One of the neat opportunities of multiple denominations coming together is learning one another’s “normal” worship songs.  There are some great ones out there just waiting to be rediscovered and/or shared. 

As I overlooked the mountains during sunset my last night up in the Sierra Nevadas, I spent some time praying and reflecting on where the Lord has taken me in the last few years.  He has done a mighty work to bring me to Spain, and I am truly enjoying taking care of the kiddos and being able to talk with and love on people while learning Spanish. 

It was amusing to think of the last time I was on a mountain.  It involved being stuck without a foreseeable path down, a parched throat, and sunburned skin.  I also believe that was the happiest I had ever been to hear my name when being rescued.  Since that time a little over two years ago, the Lord has transformed my heart, shown me my inability to work my way into grace, and brought me halfway across the world – and that’s just the short list.  I am so thankful for the many ways God blesses us; He is faithfully pursuing us. 

Be sure to check out my pictures on the photos tab!  There are some gorgeous sunset pictures!!!    

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

The Lord's Guidance

The Lord has blessed me with a lot of opportunities since arriving in Spain – one being able to help with worship.  This weekend I was given the responsibility to lead worship for a church retreat, and I realized that is a lot bigger task than I was expecting. 

It has been really cool to see the Lord guiding me through the process though.  Even this past week a song popped into my head (early morning on the bus) that my first worship leader sang in my church at college.  I haven’t heard that song in forever, which reminds me that the Lord wants to work and is faithful to guide us to what He wants to do.  As I was looking through songs, or even sitting down with the kids this morning, I could sense His direction a little more tangibly than in my everyday happenings. 

I hope that this stays fresh in my memory – that I am reminded that the Lord’s love is better than life and that He is for me.  He desires for me to draw closer to Him, and He is committed to making me look more like His Son, Jesus.  Those are some pretty amazing promises to hold onto while seeking more of Him.  It is an even greater testimony that the Lord is in us, with us, and growing us – even when we aren’t spending specific time with Him.  Things have been crazy, but the Lord’s grace is still abounding. 

Be encouraged that the Lord doesn’t quit working, even when we get distracted.  He reminded me at the worship retreat this weekend that many of the things God has done in my life, or set me free from, have not been of my seeking.  He is always at work for His good pleasure (Philippians 2:13). 

Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Yet More Language Experiences

I officially have two roommates now: one from Spain and one from Mexico.  I had a decent conversation in Spanish with my new roommate (as of today), and I am excited to see how living with native speakers helps me in my learning (both in comprehension and speech).  It is pretty amusing when you think you understand something and offer a response, only to find out that you totally misunderstood what was being said.  It lends for laughs and memories though.  J

I went back to one of the cafes that has intercambios tonight with Becca, and it ended up being really good.  When we entered, she and I got split up between tables, which definitely forced me to focus more because it was me with four Granadinos (who tend to have pretty difficult accents to follow). 

The conversation was mostly small talk for the first while, but later it turned more to spiritual things with one of the guys.  It never ceases to amaze me – or should I say amazes me all the time? – that I can’t turn conversations that way.  Be it fear of man or just not wanting to be awkward, I am convicted that it shouldn’t really matter.  The more I realize my inadequacy here though, the greater testimony it is of the Lord’s work when He draws the conversation towards Himself.  He is the best at it anyway. 

“And I tell you, everyone who acknowledges me before men, the Son of Man also will acknowledge before the angels of God…” (Luke 12:8).  I desire to surrender to where He is working – to speak to those people – all the while remembering it is not I that can do it.  On my own, I would keep my mouth shut (and sadly often do).  This is an area in which the Lord is working, and I want my heart’s cry to be a resounding, “Yes!”

P.S.  My first homemade brown sugar was delicious…yes, I did try a bite.  J  It definitely helps to know the name of what you are looking for in the native language.  Such a plus.   

Monday, October 8, 2012

Snickerdoodles and Pole Beans

I kinda feel like life is passing before me in fast motion.  I mean, things feel like they take forever, but at the same time, these past couple of weeks especially have gone really quickly. 

Today I was able to have a conversation with a grandpa, dad, and granddaughter today at the park (in Spanish), and I asked at least three people if they knew what molasses was in a grocery store.  That didn’t end up so well, but at least now I know the name in Spanish for the next time!  It includes “honey” in the title.  Ha.  The chocolate-chip cookies must wait until tomorrow.

Cora and Jairus tend to get me laughing most every day I am with them.  Today during lunch, Jairus spouts out of nowhere, “So happy.”  He cracks me up, and Cora can definitely get to laughing hysterically.  Eventually it gets to the point of forced laughter, but it’s still adorable coming from her. 

I was put in charge of making a desert for our church’s retreat this weekend, so I made around eighty snickerdoodles tonight, and as I said, the chocolate-chip cookies are soon to come.  I have found that I enjoy cooking/baking, except when I accidentally forget about the cookies while adding water to my pole beans (one of my mom’s special dishes).  Bummer.  At least there were more batches, and the green beans turned out delicious.  Anything with bacon is though, right??  J     

Sunday, October 7, 2012

Some New "Firsts" in Spain

Sorry for checking out for awhile…Again!  I may not write every day this month, but I think I am back to a little more regular schedule. 

I had a couple of firsts since being in Spain between yesterday and today.  Yesterday I lay down for a 30-minute nap at 8:30pm and proceeded to sleep until around 9:30 this morning.  I haven’t done that in as long as I can remember!  I only woke up at 2:30am to several men yelling in the street below my window.  Needless to say I was a little confused that it wasn’t 9 pm.  Ha, ha. 

Yesterday evening I had a bit of a headache from spending nine hours trying to understand Spanish at a worship seminar, and I think between that, traveling last week, and moving earlier this one, I needed the rest.  It was great!!

So that was my 1st first.  Now my second was basically sprinting to catch the bus tonight with Becca after church.  Thankfully the bus driver waited a few extra seconds at the stop for us!  J

Oh, wait.  I just remembered another first!  At church on Sunday we gather in small groups to pray at the end of the worship service.  Typically I gather with English-speakers (who are working their way up to Spanish praying – as am I).  Tonight I strategically, but unknowingly, placed myself in an all Spanish-speaking, no-American group.  Needless to say I was quite challenged in needing to lead prayer in Spanish!  They were really gracious, and it gives me a definite goal to work towards.       
I wanted to show you a few pictures I took of my room in the new apartment.  My blanket is from Morocco, where Becca and I took a trip last week!  The even greater part is that I was able to purchase it from the man who made it.  How cool.  Also, the hen and chick plant I found lying on my balcony made me smile – I think my mom would approve.  J

Wednesday, October 3, 2012


I’m back!!!  Literally and figuratively.  J

This past week has held much learning, many memories, and lots of busyness.  I’m going to share more later about a trip Becca and I were able to take, but in short, it was different than anything I’ve ever experienced but great.  AND IT RAINED!!  After not seeing rain in several months, especially a good rain, I was super excited.  The muddy ground hardly even fazed me. 
I also officially moved again – except for a few random drying clothes and loose papers – into my new apartment!  I am looking forward to staying put for awhile, to say the least.  I am now living with a Spanish student, which is pretty exciting!  This past week I experienced a growing desire to speak Spanish and be able to communicate with those around me in their language. 

October is going to be quite full, but I am hoping good as well.  Being intentional about time with the Lord needs to start yesterday!  I was recently challenged to start memorizing Psalm 139.  When I was little I memorized a lot of Scripture in AWANA, but it has been more difficult since then.  While beginning this, I have seen things I don’t remember studying before now.  It is a great place to start if you want to hide God’s Word in your heart or explore what it’s all about!  It’s never too late to begin.     

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Steve's Legacy

During my first year of college, the Lord provided me with a dear friend named Kaley.  She invited me to be a part of church renewal weekends with her, and through these I grew deeper in the Lord and also became good friends with her family. 

I remember Kaley’s dad, Steve, reaching out to me, accepting me as a part of his family, and showing me how to love like Jesus.  When Steve, Kaley, and I were able to lead worship on the occasional weekend, he often referred to himself as “the rose between two thorns” (Kaley and I).  J

Even as Steve was battling cancer, he joined us in serving various churches on these weekends.  The last time I saw him, I was really struggling with his illness.  I retreated to the empty sanctuary in tears.  He walked in, gave me a hug, and comforted me.  I mentioned to him how I didn’t feel like I was the Christian I should be.  He pointed me toward the truth that even when we feel like we are not measuring up, God has a plan and is teaching us something through it.  He is not disappointed in us.     

He lived 2 Corinthians 1:3-5 for me, “Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of mercies and God of all comfort, who comforts us in all our affliction, so that we may be able to comfort those who are in any affliction, with the comfort with which we ourselves are comforted by God.  For as we share abundantly in Christ's sufferings, so through Christ we share abundantly in comfort too.”  He was able to comfort me because He had been given peace in the Lord. 

Steve’s fountain of joy, deep laughter, and life of love were not rooted in earthly securities, but instead in Jesus Christ.  Because of this, he was freed to give himself to the people around him – even a freshman girl in college, living away from her own family. 

His legacy has spread to his family, who is near and dear to my heart.  His legacy has affected me.
The Lord reminded me recently of how Steve loved me and how that love was like the Lord’s love.  He passed from this life to be with the Lord about a year and a half ago, and I miss him greatly, as do so many.  
I do know that he has complete joy worshipping Jesus now. 

His fight with cancer was terrible, but God used his obedience to glorify Himself.  Steve is a reminder to me that I am called to love fully like Jesus, and my prayer is that the Lord might choose to use me to make a difference in the lives of those with whom I connect – even if it’s only for a short time.