
Monday, October 29, 2012

Fear of the Lord

I’m working my way through Proverbs, and today I came to a verse that seemed to shoot straight for the heart.  Proverbs 8:13b says, “The fear of the LORD is hatred of evil.”  At other times I would probably read this, agree with it, and keep trekking.  Today my thoughts were drawn to this sentence though. 

What is evil?  That term seems a little “extreme” for today’s world – maybe something we might equate with murder, abuse, etc., and of course, those definitely fall under the definition.  I was thinking though, “What does ‘evil’ mean for me?  In my heart?” 

Luke 14:25-26 came to mind, where Jesus says you must hate your family and your own life to be His disciple.  Literal hate is not what He is looking for of course.  There is way too much evidence in the Bible that we are to love others.  It’s more of a parallel (especially in the day’s culture).  In essence, do I love Jesus so much that my love for other people and myself appears to be hate?  As Cora says, “I think not.”

So my question for myself to bring before the Lord is this: “What ought hatred of evil, and therefore fear of the Lord, look like in my life?”  Or in words resembling Luke’s message, “How am I called to love God more – so that my love of other pleasures diminishes?” 

Love is such a simple, but yet at the same time, tricky thing.  It calls us to put others above ourselves.  It calls us to deny ourselves.  It also calls us to bring into question our hearts.  The reason we can love is because Christ first loved us.  When we try to love of our own doing, it fails. 

I read something that hit home the other day regarding this and the Christian life in general.  I used to think (and will still fight to not think), “God, give me love, faith, etc. so that I can do _____.”  Maybe this ought to be something more like this, “God, I give myself to you – put my faith in you alone – so that you can _____.” 

Ultimately it is He that works and loves through us.  He is much better at accomplishing His will.  His love is perfect, unconditional, satisfying. 

Help us, Lord, to not give You or others what is only second-best.  Help us to hate those things that are not of you in our lives.  Bring us to fear You, while at the same time, opening us to the depths of You love.         

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