Flight two down. One
to go!
Here are some tips I have picked up along the way during the
last 34 hours or so:
Expect a short delay to turn into a longer
If they graciously take your carry-on guitar to
a separate storage area, don’t assume you should pick it up at baggage claim.
Don’t buy a giant water bottle before you go
through security again.
In agreement with my friend Kathryn, get to your
gate before you relax. Who would have
thought the airport could be as long as a marathon (perhaps a little exaggeration). J
Mainly, flexibility needs to be your middle
As I was sitting in the Philadelphia airport a few hours
ago, a girl sitting in the gate area caught my attention. I definitely had a feeling it was the Lord
when she ended up in the seat beside me for the eight-hour plane ride, and I
began praying that He would open doors to turn our words to Him. I had a great conversation with her after
dinner, so much so that I found out speaking when the lights have been out
awhile is not the preferred mode of travel for most. Ha, ha.
Teresa (insert Spanish sounding translation here) was a
17-year-old girl from Czech. I truly
enjoy hearing about other cultures – whether it be family life, education,
marriage ideas, holidays, etc. After
speaking for awhile, I realized that Spain is not the only spiritually desolate
country in Europe. Teresa confirmed my
thought that Christianity in Czech is also mostly tradition, and it seemed like
her church experience was mostly limited to a couple school field trips to a
Jewish synagogue and a Muslim mosque.
One more experience for her was attending an African American church in
Philadelphia during her recent stay with her aunt.
As I shared a little bit of my story with her, the Holy
Spirit opened the door for me to ask whether she had ever heard the gospel or
about Jesus. The answer seemed to be
mostly no. I asked if I could share with
her, and she agreed. To be honest, I
definitely stumbled through a short story of Creation to Jesus. This brought me to see I need to reflect more
on what Jesus has done for me and how I can better express that with others who
need this life-altering message.
Although the Lord speaks through our stutters, this doesn’t remove our
responsibility to be prepared to give a response for the hope that is in
This instance also brought to surface my fear of man that
still comes up – not necessarily being what she was going to think, but instead
what the people around me were thinking.
May I not be ashamed to share Jesus, even if people think I’m
crazy. Before Teresa and I parted ways
once arriving in Germany, I was able to give her a small Bible I had, along
with a prayer card stuck in Romans and my e-mail attached. She said she would email me, so I would ask
that you pray for the Lord’s softening of her heart to show her the need she
has for the Jesus. Also, pray that she
will contact me or have another Christian come into her life, as the
possibility could be rare apart from the Lord.
Jesus’ story is so worth telling, and He is truly the Way, the Truth, and the
Life. As we go about our days, may we
have willing hearts that create more openings for divine encounters. The harvest is plentiful, but the laborers
are few. We are those laborers, and we all
can make a difference in day-to-day “meetings” with those around us. I pray that you are strong in the Lord and
who He is! Our help comes from Him.
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