
Thursday, August 2, 2012

Beating the Heat and Outdoor Clothes Drying

Because of the heat in Spain and typically no A/C, living places have window shades that you pull almost completely down during the day to keep the breeze.  Then when it turns dark, you pull them up and sleep with the windows open.  Awesome invention I would say.  It is interesting to be exposed to the sounds of the city so close.  At night you can hear anything from kids playing to music booming quite loudly through a car’s sound system. 

My first experience hang-drying laundry on an upper balcony led me to realize it is a lot harder than I imagined.  Laying my clothes down to grab the clothespins, I knocked over a small table with other clothes.  After picking that up, I discovered arms get tired quickly when not accustomed to holding them up for long periods of time.  Successfully dried though, the clothes have a little bit of a crisp feeling.  J

I spent most all of the day hanging with one to all of the kids as Brian and Kassie packed the old house and painted the new apartment.  Hopefully they will be able to move this coming week!  It was a pretty tough day emotionally, partly because I had more time to think.  It was encouraging though that as I lay on my bed and was praying, I began to pray Scripture – part of a chapter I had memorized a while back. 

This was mostly encouraging because I have a tough time memorizing Scripture, and this is probably the first time I remember Scripture just coming to mind while I was praying.  It is nice to have those reminders of the Holy Spirit living in me and being here to comfort and guide me.  Psalm 25:4 says, “Make me to know your ways, O Lord; teach me your paths.”  I love this entire Psalm, but God brought this part to mind specifically.  If we ask Him to show us His way, He will be faithful to lead us.        

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