
Saturday, January 5, 2013

My Adventure to the Reyes Parade

Tomorrow is Reyes, what I've heard to be perhaps the biggest holiday in Spain.  More or less, it's their Christmas; although instead of Santa Clause (or Papa Noel), there are Reyes Magos - the three wise men.  Tonight was the parade.  I'll let the pictures and videos tell the story.  

[P.S. Think Macy's Day a smaller city.  (Not that I've ever been though. ha)]

Preparing the way.

Dora just happened to fly away (and almost have a run-in with an airplane).

I think these same balloons have been for sale since Halloween.  
That's some good helium!!

Mom and son waiting in anticipation.

Angels?  Clowns?  I don't know.

"Where's the candy???"

Capturing the calm before the storm.

Reindeer and children were in high quantity.

Wait!  Is that a camel?!

Sure is...

This is a short clip of the crowd.  If only I knew the songs and dance!

I believe this is one of the wise men.  Gold maybe?

This lady sure liked to wave her flag.

Some random fireworks in the opposite direction.  What was the distraction for?
At one point, a box (or several) of candy fell out of the back of a van in the parade...mass...chaos.

I heard umbrellas were helpful for catching candy and for protection.  This guy must have started the rumor because it's the only one I saw.  Lol.

My personal theory is the kids in the floats are mad they can't keep the they try to pummel the onlooking spectators.  It could be fun.  J

Wise man number 2?  I think I might have missed the 3rd.  

Ronald McDonald!  All the way from the U.S.!!!

Becca and I in the crowd.  

There were so many people.  

I've never seen so many balloons in my life!!

This was the final float and musical number.  Apparently there is a chicken plant in Granada - at least that would make a little bit more sense.  

The street cleaners brought up the rear.  Quite efficient.  

This is the typical Reyes cake.  Apparently whoever has the plastic figurine in their piece buys the one the coming year.  I just stepped into the bakery to take a picture.  J

I hope you felt like you were there, but without any claustrophobia!!!

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