In just a couple of hours, many of the students with whom I entered HLG will have graduated.
How fast time flies.
As difficult as it was to "let go" of what would have been my last year of school, now I have a little more clarity. I wouldn't take back the times of laughter, difficulty, fun, growth, friendship, and memories my first three years entailed with my friends and those who are "soon-to-be" alumni. I also wouldn't take back this year here is Spain. I am confident those crossing the stage today are where they should be, as am I.
To those of you who are "heading off to the real world" now, congratulations!! I am certain that the Lord has touched your lives while attending HLG, whether you were looking for it or not. No matter where you are in that journey right now, I know He will continue the work that He has begun.
"For my thoughts are not your thoughts,
neither are your ways my ways, declares the Lord.
For as the heavens are higher than the earth,
so are my ways higher than your ways
and my thoughts than your thoughts" (Isaiah 55:8-9).
Even though most of the time we don't know what God is doing until farther down the road, He is at work. I look forward to seeing and hearing His continued purpose and glory being worked out in many of your lives.
Missing being with you all today - and thanking the Lord for you.
May Jesus be the center of who we are and all we do.
Besos from Spain!!

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