
Monday, October 8, 2012

Snickerdoodles and Pole Beans

I kinda feel like life is passing before me in fast motion.  I mean, things feel like they take forever, but at the same time, these past couple of weeks especially have gone really quickly. 

Today I was able to have a conversation with a grandpa, dad, and granddaughter today at the park (in Spanish), and I asked at least three people if they knew what molasses was in a grocery store.  That didn’t end up so well, but at least now I know the name in Spanish for the next time!  It includes “honey” in the title.  Ha.  The chocolate-chip cookies must wait until tomorrow.

Cora and Jairus tend to get me laughing most every day I am with them.  Today during lunch, Jairus spouts out of nowhere, “So happy.”  He cracks me up, and Cora can definitely get to laughing hysterically.  Eventually it gets to the point of forced laughter, but it’s still adorable coming from her. 

I was put in charge of making a desert for our church’s retreat this weekend, so I made around eighty snickerdoodles tonight, and as I said, the chocolate-chip cookies are soon to come.  I have found that I enjoy cooking/baking, except when I accidentally forget about the cookies while adding water to my pole beans (one of my mom’s special dishes).  Bummer.  At least there were more batches, and the green beans turned out delicious.  Anything with bacon is though, right??  J     

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