
Friday, September 7, 2012

The Battle with Sin

I’ve been doing a little pondering about sin and disobedience.  With spending lots of time around multiple kids these days, this is a definite part of life.  Ha, ha. 

Adults can tend to act like kids at heart; it might just not be as noticeable.  Many times children will know the discipline for a certain action and still decide to act out in that way – incurring punishment.  I’m convinced for older kids that at times they weigh the temporary pleasure versus the consequence in their heads and decide if disobedience is worth it. 

Isn’t it ironic.  Don’t we tend to do the same?  We make a decision of whether we feed our flesh or live in obedience to God.  In essence, we question if sinning is worth it.  It’s easier to give into the flesh, serve ourselves, and get what we want when we want it.  I’m guilty as charged. 

It takes a life of yielding, trust, and sacrifice to continually deny ourselves.  We are called to die to self…every day.  This has weighed on me a lot the past few days.  It is a constant battle to fight my flesh, but we have awesome promises because of Jesus.  We are assured a way out of temptation (1 Corinthians 10:13).  We can have confidence that nothing can separate us from God’s love (Romans 8:38-39).  We know that Christ understands what we are going through (Hebrews 4:15). 

My sins put Jesus on the cross, as did yours.  The weight of that needs to mean something.  I don’t want to cause God pain, and it hurts Him when we disobey.  He is a loving Father who does not like to discipline His children, but He does because He is love.  We learn through the consequences of our decisions, as well as grace. 

As we have a greater understanding of our every day need for Christ and what exactly He accomplished for us on that cross, I pray we have a greater desire to love, surrender to, obey, and live for Him alone.

 There is a part of me that reacts internally when I say that in my head or write it here.  I know there is a cost.  The great thing is though, I know Jesus is worth it…and He will give me the strength to say no to flesh and yes to Him.  

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