
Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Sleep, Kids, and Okra

Brian and Kassie had me watching the kids in the evening, so I had one day for more of sleeping in.  I am quick to realize that could be a big temptation for me during this month.  I love sleep, and that’s a good thing.  Sometimes I love it a little too much though.  As long as I can find a balance. 

The kids crack me up.  The more I’m around them and figuring out their personalities, the more intrigued I am.  It is amazing to me how children are really little adults in that sense.  They have a lot of growing and maturing to happen, but they are full of personality and love.  The kids all enjoy coloring a lot, but Malaki is becoming quite proficient in the cutting aspect as well.  He cut-out and colored me Tom (from Tom and Jerry) which I will add a picture of later. 

Cora is the most affectionate overall and loves to tell stories almost as much as Malaki.  She is very affirmative, which is a pleasant thing to be around.  Jairus is adventurous in the sense that he loves to try everything his older brother and sister do.  This makes for a more interesting time, but it’s good.  He is so excited when he accomplishes things such as climbing the slide or helping put the stroller away.  He seems to have a special place in his heart for Penny, their Galgo, or Spanish Greyhound. 

I went straight home, quickly, after Hannah asked me if I would be home for dinner.  I definitely answered in the affirmative when she said she was frying okra!  Okra is really hard to find here (not very popular let’s say), but she has managed to find it a couple times during her stay here.  She breaded it in seasoned corn meal and fried it!  It was a great taste of home – especially since we have roots in the South.  I thank my mom for my growing up loving foods like okra, black-eyed peas, and boiled peanuts.  I have realized that fried okra is a little more accepted by the public than boiled okra though…the lessons we pick up (or things we hear murmured behind us) in the school cafeteria.  J    

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